Freedom Rooted in Profitability

fractional CFO & Custom Accounting

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Empowering business owners to own their financial success.

Replacing confusion, stress and uncertainty with clarity, freedom and control.

ISN't IT TIME To put your

Profit fIRST

The Profit First Approach puts your business in command of your cashflow and is complimented by solid accounting practices. Profit First is a behaviorally-based cash management technique that treats profit as a budgeting priority.

Turn your profit into a priority, not a leftover!


Frequently Asked Questions

        It was developed by Mike Michalowicz to create a simple system that reinforces the profit-focused money habits which lead to permanent, healthy, profitability growth. 

        To advise business owners on the best utilization of their financial reporting in a way that supports confident, growth-based decisions that facilitate consistent profitability. To provide solid accounting practices that support accurate financial reports and audit-proof records. To provide administrative coaching that improves the level of freedom empowerment each team member experiences within their given role. 

        This is the traditional and most widely used model for profit- and ironically, will leave you with less profit (if any at all). 

        What you need is a model that turns your profit into a priority, not a leftover. You can calculate from the very beginning how much money you want to generate after all expenses are paid out. Humans are not good at keeping leftovers. If there is money leftover, 9.9 times out of 10 you will spend it. And that's what profit is in this model, leftovers. Tempting, spendable leftovers. 

        By leading your decision-making with how much you want in profit, you naturally find ways to do the same amount of things with less expense.

MR Books Advisory is a Certified Profit First Firm

Profit First content used with permission of Profit First Professionals

PROFIT FIRST by mike michalowicz

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This is the book that has changed everything for over 500,000 businesses worldwide! We'd love you to read the first two chapters and start re-thinking your profitability today!

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Owner & Founder

Michelle Quiñonez, M.B.A.

Michelle is passionate about partnering to create a peaceful and efficient environment where business owners are empowered to create and grow. Her philosophy stems from the approach that profitability and scalable systems are keys every business owner can use to reach their goals of financial success and freedom.

Michelle completed her Masters in Business Administration with honors in 2007. She brings over 15 years experience in small business administration, working with organizations with no employees to over 50 employees. She also has experience in both the for-profit and nonprofit arenas.

More about Michelle

You can be your own CFO with an expert in your pocket! Join our exclusive community where you will experience on-going support at the highest level.  Utilize our exclusive Facebook Group, Monthly CFO Coaching Calls, Members Vault or resources, and more to celebrate with you as you reach all your scaling and profitability goals.

Begin your membership below and we will get you onboarded and on your way to CFO Mastery!


This course will guide you through a step-by-step process to get you to your growth goals as a profitable and successful company. Create your own roadmap to financial clarity and implement permanent profitability in only 4 steps!

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Working with Michelle means that every challenge & accomplishment is celebrated. Not only is she responsible for renovating our Accounts Receivable's process and helping to recover over $50k in unpaid invoices, she is genuine, straight-forward and honest. She lays out the facts and lets you decide.

Jose Sanguillen, CEO

Sauber Maintenance, Inc.




scary numbers
29 Dec, 2022
“Numbers are scary!,” he said. I was talking to a local business owner who has been through some scary stuff in the last couple of years. Almost losing his business during the pandemic, a tornado that destroyed his home, rebuilding everything from scratch. And yet, the numbers are what’s scary to him?... What I heard didn’t surprise me. Numbers often get a pretty bad rap. They’re often either scary or mysterious or boring or…. Here was my answer to him in that moment. “It’s actually not the numbers that scare you,” I said. You feel “scared” because you don’t like the uncertainty of what they may tell you. They may tell you that you have a gap between where you want to be and the reality of where you are. Or, maybe they’ll say that you have more than enough, but that you haven’t begun to use your resources to get there. Here’s the key - regardless of what they tell you, good or bad, the clarity of actually knowing infuses you with a tangible feeling of power. The “knowing” is always empowering; it is the last thing you should allow yourself to be afraid of. The clients I work with get to know more than just their numbers. They get to know the story the numbers are telling them. They get to take control of where they’re headed and actually end up somewhere they want to be. That’s how my clients and I work together. We write stories. We use the numbers, of course, but knowing the stories is how we move the needle and actually arrive at our happy ending. If you can make this small shift in paradigm, not only will you no longer feel scared or uncertain, you will be a powerful leader for your business. Knowing is power. The stories are important. Clarity is NEVER bad. Clarity is your path to success.
By Michelle Quinonez 20 Jun, 2022
Is there or isn’t there a pie? Before action steps related to money can even be discussed or executed, we need to recognize and choose between two distinct ways of viewing everything we care about…philosophically speaking.
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